Saturday, September 15, 2012

Disney World Trip 9/2012: Day 2: Animal Kingdom

Hello! How's your weekend going? Mine's good, but I wish I'm back at Disney World... Anyway, here's day 2! We decided to go to Animal Kingdom first because Hollywood Studios opens until later. Last year when we came to this park, it was raining really hard, so we didn't spend much time there. Thank God it was sunny this time! unfortunately I'm not made to be in a super humid environment... The whole day I looked like I just came out of the shower and my hair was flat and lifeless. If only Florida weather was like California weather... Anyway, enjoy the pictures!

The tree of life!

I spot my favorite ride in this park!

On the Kilimanjaro Safari ride

The savannah

Wow those are some pretty eye lashes... lol

A bunch of pumbas

And timons

Baby gorilla! This is a separate exhibit from the safari

These are all male, they separate the "bachelors" from the family pack

Hey! Indonesian instrument!

Loveee this ride!

At Camp Minnie Mickey!

Festival of the Lion King

Riding Primeval Whirl


On the Maharaja Jungle Trek, this is the Komodo Dragon

I hate bats...



Right after we were done with the Maharaja Jungle Trek, we exited the park around 3 o'clock and headed over to wait for the shuttle that goes to Hollywood Studios. We spent more time at Animal Kingdom because we didn't get to last time, and it was awesome! Cant be thankful enough that we had good weather that day... Stay tuned for the next one!

Love, Jess

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