Hello! I'm so glad to finally write my first post! I know there's a lot of blogs out there and to be honest, I had a fear of no one reading what I have to say. But I'm trying this new thing where you throw away any negative thoughts you have in your head, because someone told me that the only one that can stop you from doing whatever you want to do in life, is yourself. With that introduction, welcome to my life!
So I have lived in Los Angeles for 14 years and I am a little ashamed to say that last Saturday was my first time hiking the Hollywood sign trail... I wouldn't have given it another thought until a friend of mine, who is visiting LA, said that I am lucky to be able to do this because I live here. She used to live here too to go to college, but after graduating last year, she moved back to our country of origin. It was a pretty easy trail, but a good workout nonetheless, the only thing that wasn't in our favor that day was the weather. As anyone here knows, our weather haven't been... how do you say... stable? That's still putting it lightly... This past weekend was incredibly hot! Up to mid 90s! I have a sunburn to prove it -.- stupid me for not putting on sunscreen... But last week and this week is very cold, with a high of mid 60s. When will the unpredictable weather stop, I have no idea.
I honestly didn't know that we would be hiking all the way to the sign... |
The hike was a great workout as I have said, tried running uphill for 1 minute but my friend couldn't keep up and I didn't want to run alone. As we were slowing down, I said out loud that it is easier to run uphill than downhill, and some man-runner corrected me saying "no.. I think you got it mixed up there..." Sorry Mr. Man-runner, I mean it was easier for me, because every time I walk or run downhill, my back always hurts, I have no idea why. And also it is scary to run downhill, I have a phobia that I will lose control, trip, and roll down the hills, but that's just from watching too much cartoons, haha.
Half way there... |
Look! It's the Disney Animation Studio! |
Wow... |
Baby's first hike! (Stranger) |
Once we got to the top, all the struggling was worth it... you just cant buy a view like this. I never thought that I would be able to go behind the world famous Hollywood sign. After the hike we went to Taste on Melrose for brunch. It was my first time there and my friend said their 3 best dishes were the truffle mac&cheese, kobe beef meatballs, and the crabcake eggs benedict. I LOVE truffle, so of course that dish got 5 stars from me, but my favorite was the spaghetti that came with the kobe beef meatballs. *sigh* all the hiking went to waste as we chowed down on carbs galore... but who can really complain about great food.
Truffle Mac 'N Cheese, yummmmm |
Kobe Beef Meatballs |
Crabcake Eggs Benedict with Potatoes |
Our dessert, Toffee Chocolate Cake |
I know the foodie pics kind of defeated the purpose of the hike... But this is my last REALLY GOOD meal until July! You see, I am on a weight loss plan that involves no carbs and I need to achieve this goal by the end of July. Well, thanks for reading people! Need to turn in now, back to the weekday grind tomorrow! Look forward to many more posts by yours truly... Goodnight!
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