Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Birthday Dinner at House of Blues

Hi everyone! I realized that I haven't finished my birthday story, actually this is the last part of it. After spending all day at Disneyland, I went back to the car to change into my birthday dress. Then I met up with some of my friends at House of Blues in Downtown Disney. Funny thing, I was actually going to make my 21st birthday there. Here are some pics that my two photographer friends took, enjoy!

What a great background =]

This girl drinks like a man

After dinner when I was about to get the bill, this beautiful cake came out for me!!! So Mr. M ordered me this cake and had one of the guys picked it up since Mr. M was going to be with me all day. Now I know why my friend pretty much dragged me to the bathroom even though I didn't need to go haha. Let me tell you a little something about this cake. Last month our Disney couple friends celebrated her husband's birthday. Since he didn't get a "groom's cake" she got him a Donald Duck cake that was the cutest thing I've ever seen. I jokingly said to Mr. M that I want a Disney cake for my birthday too but a princess one. They asked me which princess and the first thing that popped into my head was Rapunzel. And I also said that I wanted her hair to be wrapped around the cake. I couldn't believe that Mr. M made the cake into everything I wanted! He drew a model of it too for the bakery. How awesome is he? ^^ Oh did I mention it's red velvet too? My favorite! I think he got extra brownie points from all the girls lol! I love you hunny... <3

Look at all their faces LOL


It really hurts me to cut that cake... it was way too pretty!

She caked me then licked me @ _@

The two culprits who caked me the second time

Thanks for such a wonderful birthday hunny!!!

I have great friends =]

It was seriously the best birthday I've had in a really long time. The past four birthdays have been a bust due to dramas and such, even though Mr. M still tried to make it a good one. I'm really thankful for everyone that came to celebrate with me. Thanks to the two photographers for taking such amazing pictures. And last but not least, thanks to my Mr. M. for being the best boyfriend ever!!! I know sometimes I don't understand the things you do or say to me, but I know it's always for my best. Until my next post! =]

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1 comment:

  1. awww heart this!! it looks like you had an unbeatable birthday jess!! and you look so so so pretty in that neon pink dress!!! just gorgeous..

    and HOW adorbs is your bf!! definitely a keeper.. that is so sweet.. i love the picture of you when they are bringing out the cake you look so excited and in awe haha
