Saturday, July 21, 2012

NSV: A First Time S6

Happy weekend!!! Update on my weight loss journey! By the way, NSV means non scale victory. I finally got my self into a size 6 pair of jeans!!! This is the smallest size I have ever been! Well maybe since I was like in 9th grade... Yea I know, I was big already. The thing is, when I was little, I was really skinny. To the point where you can see my rib cage.

And then when I moved to America and got introduced to burgers, hot dogs, pasta, pizza, and all the unhealthy food possible, I blew up like a giant balloon ><. Often times I would blame America, because it is the fattest country in the world. It's just easier to put the blame on everything other than your own lack of self control. But better late than never right?

I want to thank Mr. M again for always motivating me to be a better person on the inside and out. It's really important to have the support of your family and friends when you're trying to do something difficult. Because at one point or another you're going to want to give up, believe me, I've done it countless times. But having people there who believes in you and doesn't give up on you will make such a big difference and will make you more motivated to not disappoint them. So whatever it is you want to accomplish, don't stop until you get there. Until my next post! =]

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