Thursday, July 12, 2012

Birthday Dinner at Napa Rose

Hi guys! So guess who's birthday it was last week? Yours truly! ^^ Since my actual birthday was on a work day, the boyfriend and I, let's just call him Mr. M from now on, celebrated it on the 4th of July. Something about Mr. M that you should know is that he cannot keep a secret or surprise to safe his life. So two weeks prior, he blurted out "Arghhh! I can't keep it in anymore! We're going to Napa Rose on the 4th to celebrate your birthday!!!" Hahaha! And something you should know about me? I don't care much for surprises unless it is executed perfectly, so of course I was thrilled! Napa Rose is a fine dining restaurant inside the Grand Californian Hotel. Mr. M actually took me here for the first time on my 21st birthday, so this place holds a special place in my heart.

Friends of ours came here last month and actually did the Chef's Counter. It is when you sit in or next to the kitchen, the Chef will ask you if you have any food allergies or anything you don't particularly like, and will surprise you with dishes of his or her choice! It sounded so exciting so I told Mr. M to please take me there for my birthday, but at the time he didn't say anything. So I guess it was kind of a surprise... Here are our six course journey through Napa Rose's Chef's Counter. Enjoy!

The Chef

Even the bread was good haha

Champagne shooter with melon

Mr. M got beer pairing and I got dessert wine pairing, too much alcohol!!!

Salmon Carpaccio

Shirmp Ceviche

Pan Seared Scallop with Lobster Vanilla Sauce

Sakai Salmon


Rabbit with Carrot Puree

Filet with Gnocchi

New York Steak

Cherry Upside Down Cake with Ice Cream

Chocolate Molten Cake with Ice Cream and Popcorn Garnish

Thank you so much for taking me there hunny ^^

Some Pixar Wines hahaha so cuteee

Until my next post! =]

Follow me on Bloglovin' here, and my Instagram (55byjess)


  1. happy birthday dearie!!!

    omgosh how FUN!!! you guys are so cute and you're wearing your disney gear to hahah love it!

    omgosh all of your food looks SOOOOOOOOOOOO NOMS i'm like drooling on my laptop as i'm typing this.. even your bread HAHAHAH.. especially the one that looks like it has all that cheese and butter on it.. DROOL HAHAHAH

    1. Thanks Lisa =]

      Hahaha yea, we wear the Disney shirts every time now! but then you start noticing that other people has the same ones LOL.

      LOL it was the best meal of my life!!! especially that scallop with lobster sauce... xD
