Monday, July 9, 2012

Carthay Circle Restaurant

Happy Monday every one!!! Yea, I know Mondays can be a drag. You've just recovered from the weekend and the last thing you wanna do is be cooped up in an office or a classroom. But look at it this way, you know how every new years its like your slate being wiped clean and the new year comes with new opportunities and new chances? I see it that way now and it makes facing the new week so much easier. Embrace your challenges and before you know it, its Friday! =]

Anyway, I just wanted to do a quick post about my recent foodie trip to the Carthay Circle Restaurant inside Disney California Adventure. It is the new restaurant on Buena Vista Street that is a replica of the Carthay Circle Theater in Los Angeles where Walt Disney had the premier of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs back in 1937. When you enter the building you will find yourself in the waiting area until you can be seated and on the right side is the lounge area. Throughout the whole building there's black and white pictures of Walt and his family and at the premier of Snow White. The whole place has a 1920s feel to it and its amazing. The restaurant section of the building is actually on the second floor. There are outdoor and indoor seating and in the middle of the room is a huge mural of Snow White.

I'm so sad that I didn't take pictures of the surrounding, but I didn't want to bother people having dinner with my flashes haha. Warning, the food pictures will make you hungry!

I had the Rack of Lamb

My Friend had King Fish with Mango Salsa

Another friend had the Quail

My Friend's husband had the Shrimp wrapped in Bacon, it was yummy!!!

The Boyfriend had the Pasta with Lamb and it was amazing!!!

And for dessert we chose the Fried Banana Split

Apparently this is what we gave the guys... lol

Since they didnt get much left, my friend had a spoonful of salt lol

hahahaha so sad... but remember, I actually felt bad, the other girls didn't =P

Have a great day you guys! Until my next post! =]

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