Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Disney 4th of July

Hello hello! I know it may seem weird that I haven't written in a while and then BAM! Post dump! I think I'm going to write quick posts from now on so that I can write more frequently.

So last week was the 4th of July holiday and it was right in the middle of the week, a Wednesday. Some people were complaining why it couldn't be on either a Monday or a Friday, and although that is ideal so that we could have a 3 day weekend, I though it was kinda nice. Tuesday felt like a Friday so it gave the illusion that it was a really short working week, and Wednesday the 4th, felt like a Saturday. Although it was a little bit of a drag coming to work the next day, I realized that it was a Thursday and that the weekend will come in no time.

Anyway, the boyfriend and I spent the 4th at Disneyland, surprise surprise, lol. We can't help it, we have Disney fever! Well, more than before anyway...  I was a little bit bummed that the weather was really cloudy and chilly for a Summer. We started by taking a look at the Castle exhibition, then we had lunch at the Carnation Cafe, and it was our first time there. It's a pretty small restaurant on Main St. and it has just recently been renovated. When we were waiting for our food, the Chef greeted us. Chef Oscar is the current oldest cast member, since 1956!!! Here are some pictures from our day.

Red, White, & Blue!

A replica of Belle's Castle that's at the Disneyland Paris

Chef Oscar and us

Can't forget to take castle pictures LOL

The newly renovated Matterhorn now has climbers!

with Mickey! ^^

This is the funniest thing, BF s is the only guy here! Don't let the short hair cuts fool you...

Until my next post! =]

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