Tuesday, July 17, 2012

SD Comic Con 2012 Part 1: Exhibition

Hi every one! So on Saturday, Mr. M and I along with our two friends N & G, made the trip out to San Diego for the 2012 Comic Con. I'm a nerd at heart, so I've wanted to go for a long time, just haven't found any body to go with. I grew up reading lots of comic books, mostly Japanese love stories, Doraemon, and of course, Sailor Moon. Also I'm a big Anime fan. But I've noticed that over the years, Comic Con showed a lot of popular movies and TV shows, including my absolute favorite, Twilight, True Blood, and The Vampire Diaries. So I was excited to read that the cast were going to be there. It was a long day! So I'm going to have to divide it in 3 parts. First up, the exhibition!

What time is it???

I got a Fringe bag but I was eyeing a girl with the vampire diaries bag and she noticed she suggested we trade

The Golden Domo!!!

Limited edition pirate Domo

I found waldo!!! hey wait a minute...

It's the Japanese toilet from Cars 2!

so cuteeee!!!

I want one... =[

The Hello Kitty Chun Li

I never thought maleficent could be so cute...

The original Power Rangers

I used to watch Dragon Ball all the time too!

These are original paintings, and that's the artist


Anime Tinkerbell hahaha

Someone in cosplay, LOL

The day started at 6AM. We made it to SD at around 8:30AM and it was crazy!!! The parking structure inside the convention center is completely full because you have to buy the parking permits as soon as the tickets went on sale. So we had to drive around Gaslamp Quarter to find parking. Everywhere were pretty much full, but we decided to try a nearby mall parking lot that was only 2 blocks away. However, parking will be $60 for the whole day... I think that's the most I've ever paid for parking. We walked over the convention center and I've never seen so many people in one place! Other than Disneyland of course. And almost every one dresses up like it's Halloween, most of the costumes are homemade too. We didn't dress up because it was our first time there and we didn't know what it was going to be like, and we only went one day (it's a four day convention). I think next year I would want to go for at least 2-3 days, and stay over in SD.

There were too much things to do over there that people have to choose which ones they really wanted to go to. G wanted to do some shopping for SDCC exclusive limited edition merchandise, and I also wanted to get the Angry Pink Panda, which is only limited to 100. But since we came on the third day of the convention, most of the good stuff were gone. I heard people were even lining up since the night before. G really wanted the Hello Kitty Chun Li, but all sold out. There's only 1,000 of those, so I had no chance in getting the Angry Pink Panda =[ We walked around trying to get free stuff, but the lines were so long. I saw some people carrying a Breaking Dawn good bag but by the time I got to the booth it was already gone. Instead I got a poster and some pins. We pretty much walked from one end to another to look for limited edition stuff and looking at convention goers with costumes. A lot of Stormtroopers, Waldos, a Stormtrooper Waldo (go figure), and surprisingly Disney Princesses. After that Mr. M and I wanted to check out the panels, but N & G wanted to shop some more. So we parted ways. Stay tuned for part 2! =]

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