Wednesday, July 18, 2012

SD Comic Con 2012 Part 2: The Vampire Diaries

Good morning! Ready to read all about part 2 of my first time at SDCC? After Mr.M and I parted ways with N & G, we headed over to ballroom 20, where they usually have panels for the really popular movies and TV shows. What I really wanted to do at Comic Con was to watch the Vampire Diaries and True Blood panels. Because these are the main panels, my friend suggested that  we wait 2-3 hours before hand. Since the Vampire Diaries panel was at 3:30PM, I thought going around 1PM should give us enough time. But since we were finished with shopping at 10:45AM, we decided to go early anyway, just in case. Wow, that was a smart move. The line was so long I didn't know if we were gonna be able to go in there in time. While waiting in line, the girl in front of us dressed us as Kitana from Mortal Kombat, and she got a lot of picture requests. Then N & G called us to let us know that they were going to wait for another big panel. It was for WB's showings of their 5 upcoming movies and the Iron Man 3 Panel. We finally got in at around 3PM and got to watch the last half of the American Dad panel with Seth MacFarlane and the rest of the cast. They were extremely funny. Sorry if the pictures are bad quality, I had to zoom from my seat ><

The American Dad Panel

Paul Wesley!!!

I love Nina Dobrev...

But not as much as I love Ian Somerhalder!!!

That's how far I was...

I noticed that the writer of the show is wearing a Fifty Shades of Grey button! I didn't even know the author was gonna be at Comic Con =[

After the American Dad panel was over, it was time for the Vampire Diaries. Since there was a small break in between panels, we tried to find seats in the front, but it was close to impossible, so we went back to our old seats way in the back. Thank God for the jumbo screens or we wouldn't be able to see anything. The Vampire Diaries cast were awesome and surprisingly funny, so Mr. M enjoyed it quite a bit. Note that Mr. M doesn't watch this show or True Blood, so thanks again hunny for accompanying me for hours and hours while I scream for other men, LOL! OMG! I finally get to see Iam Somerhalder and Paul Wesley in real life!!! They were more gorgeous than I thought they would be. Those two plays Damon & Stefan Salvatore, they're vampires who's in love with the same girl, Elena Gilbert. I also love Nina Dobrev who plays Elena and Katherine. I've always thought she's such a great actress for portraying both innocent Elena and evil Katherine. I would've love to get a picture and autograph from them but I didn't research the event enough and didn't know when or where it was going to be held. Next year I will definitely be more prepared. The sad thing is, I think this is Twilight's last time at Comic Con since their last movie is coming out this November. Their panel was on Thursday, so I didn't get a chance to see them =[ The panels consists of interviewing the casts and fans Q & A. One girl asked Ian Somerholder for his panel name with his autograph, but he said he couldn't because it was policy that they can't give it away. Over all it was really good. Even though we were really tired, I'm glad that Mr. M enjoyed it too. Until my next post about part 3!!! =D

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