Thursday, September 20, 2012

Disney World Trip 9/2012 Video

Hey!!! I'm on a video! This is the video Mr. M made from our trip to Disney World. It's his first time making one but I gotta say, I'm pretty impressed! Enjoy!

Love, Jess


  1. OHHHH MY GOD sadness i can't view your vid because i'm in germany and it won't let me ::WAHHHH:: but i've been looking through all your disney photos!! SOOOO CUTE!! you and your bf are TOTES ADORBS!!!

    while i'm going through your photos i told the hubs i desperately want to go to disney paris while we're still in europe!! i love disney hehehe!!!

    1. Awwww that's so weird! What if you go straight to the youtube link?

      Hahaha thanks! We're actually going again this month! ^^ You really should, I've been there once and the castle was so pretty! It's Belle's castle haha.

  2. Hi there! thank you so much for following my blog, I didn't think people were actually reading this, let alone one from Italy! I really like your blog too!
