Monday, May 20, 2013

Im Back!!!

Hi guys! I'm back! I know I know... I haven't been consistent with this blog... >< It's been too long! Right after the last few Disney World posts Mr. M and I went on a several more WDW trips and it was getting difficult to keep up with that and my school work... (first world problem, I know...)

So let's play a little catch up! Right now I am working and going to school full time. Actually I'm in class as we speak! My group and I are supposed to be working on our power point presentation, but we're procrastinating a little bit, haha. My schedule's been pretty hectic lately, and on top of that I got pretty sick just last week during another WDW trip, and that didn't help... Juggling work and school full time is no joke, and that's why my diet's been going down the drain. But if I can tell you one thing about myself, is that even if I get discouraged at first, I usually end up surprising myself by accomplishing goals that I really set my mind to. The most recent example of that would be... I completed my first half marathon!!! I love how my first was a princess theme ^^

So I'm determined to get back on track with my health and fitness, to be more consistent with blogging, and of course, weekly trips to Disney! Some posts you're going to see for a while are gonna be some catch up ones from where I left off last September, so bear with me! Until my next post!

Love, Jess


  1. yay love this! ME TOO! i'm trying to get back to eating better and exercising more i've been slacking!!! we can be each others motivation :p

    1. Hahaha we should!! But all your food pictures look so good Lisa >< Do you still live in Germany or are you back in the states?
